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Huntington Hornets all-time player list

Player Name GP G A. Pts PIM Seasons Yrs. Pos. Birthdate Birthplace Highest Level
Jim Campbell081826301956-19571C1929-02-04Timmins, ONTMinor Pro
Roger Christian589817461956-19571L1935-12-01Warroad, MNMinor Pro
Lou Crowdis60000391956-19571G1927-05-17St. Anne de Beaupre, PQMinor Pro
Don Davidson60153045251956-19571C1935-07-17Ottawa, ONTMinor Pro
Doug Falby6071825211956-19571DMinor Pro
Bill Fillman24033231956-19571D Minor Pro
Gerry Frenette23268311956-19571DHancock, MIMinor Pro
Steve Gaber0161935231956-19571R1927-06-11Cupar, SASKMinor Pro
George Hayes000001956-19571C1926-04-28Toronto, ONTMinor Pro
Joe Ingoldsby6018102861956-19571RToronto, ONTMinor Pro
Ron Johnson500001956-19571RMarquette, MIMinor Pro
Morris "Moose" Lallo58111728811956-19571D1924-09-25Montreal, PQMinor Pro
Rod McElroy018244261956-19571C1932-06-03St. Thomas, ONTMinor Pro
Mike Narduzzi2911718121956-19571L1924-04-27Fort William, ONTMinor Pro
Eddie Olson6082735701956-19571L1922-01-01Hancock, MIMinor Pro
Ray Parker101101956-19571 Minor Pro
Eric Pogue1471219261956-19571R1929-05-08Agincourt, ONTMinor Pro
Len Ronson07613311956-19571L1936-07-08Brantford, ONTMajor League
Garnet Schai59514191611956-19571DWilkie, SASKMinor Pro
Ronnie Spong60252954781956-19571CToronto, ONTMinor Pro
Len Thornson014193391956-19571C1933-02-04Winnipeg, MANMinor Pro
John Ticalo000001956-19571DTimmins, ONTMinor Pro
Bob Wilson4431013721956-19571D1934-02-18Sudbury, ONTMajor League

† denotes that the player's career team information is inaccurate due to incomplete data made available by a league.
‡ denotes that the player only appeared in the playoffs.
Note: The totals presented here may not be exact. If there is no official breakdown when a player was traded mid-season, his statistics are only included with the team he finished with. So you may see players with all zeros for statistics. This means their exact team totals were not available. Their games-played will not be accounted for with any of the teams they played with in this case.