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Eveleth Rangers all-time player list

Player Name GP G A. Pts PIM Seasons Yrs. Pos. Birthdate Birthplace Highest Level
Red Bastinelli1913720281951-19521 Senior Amateur
N. Begich19112201951-19521 Senior Amateur
D. Castillieno3816173361951-19521 Senior Amateur
Clem Cossalter32156141951-19521 Senior Amateur
Les Curphy3411617201951-19521DEveleth, MNSenior Amateur
Jack De Paul27358421951-19521 Senior Amateur
Elio "Al" Gambucci37272451151951-19521Minor Pro
John Karakas39202444851951-19521WEveleth, MNMinor Pro
William McCarty34448101951-19521 Senior Amateur
Bill McKenzie39251641101951-19521Senior Amateur
M. Mornan341361901951-19521 Senior Amateur
Bob Nichols25448111951-19521 Senior Amateur
John Rozinka349716281951-19521DSenior Amateur
Ben Swarthout1814142881951-19521C1924-04-11Eveleth, MNMinor Pro
Ralph Swarthout324610101951-19521 Senior Amateur

† denotes that the player's career team information is inaccurate due to incomplete data made available by a league.
‡ denotes that the player only appeared in the playoffs.
Note: The totals presented here may not be exact. If there is no official breakdown when a player was traded mid-season, his statistics are only included with the team he finished with. So you may see players with all zeros for statistics. This means their exact team totals were not available. Their games-played will not be accounted for with any of the teams they played with in this case.