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Grande Prairie North Stars all-time player list

Player Name GP G A. Pts PIM Seasons Yrs. Pos. Birthdate Birthplace Highest Level
Joe Anderson3421214431987-19881Other Junior
Marcel Austin000001988-19891DSt. Paul, ALTAOther Junior
Rick Austin471023332201987-19892DSt. Paul, ALTAJunior A (Canada)
Travis Benn100001987-19881GJunior A (Canada)
Burney Carlsen000001988-19891GTerrace, BCOther Junior
Colin Clements14145231987-19881Other Junior
Joe Degirolamo4401141987-19881G1967-12-08Dawson Creek, BCMajor Junior
Joe Dragon38364177981987-19881C1969-02-20Ft. Smith, NWTMinor Pro
Rob Fahey000001988-19891RCampbell River, BCOther Junior
Graham Fair40102535381987-19881C1969-09-21Campbell River, BCMinor Pro
Darren Fedorus41121931541987-19892DDrayton Valley, ALTAOther Junior
Morgan Hall3681523381987-19892DGrande Prairie, ALTAOther Junior
Kevin Hamelin4415191987-19881Other Junior
Shawn Hendrickson000001988-19891LDawson Creek, BCOther Junior
Brian Hesse47174259481987-19892DManning, ALTAOther Junior
Buck Isles300001987-19892Other Junior
Neal Isnor4339681071771984-19851College-University
Kevin Kowalchuk000001988-19891L1968-02-22Sherwood Park, ALTAMajor Junior
Tavis MacMillan48313465701987-19881C1970-09-09Milk River, ALTAMinor Pro
Darren McAusland000001988-19891L1972-03-03Grovedale, ALTAMinor Pro
Ian McIlvenna000001988-19891CChetwynd, BCOther Junior
D.J. McLandress47282654501987-19892CGrande Prairie, ALTAOther Junior
Barry Mierzewski000001988-19891LHines Creek, ALTAOther Junior
Chad Neilson1122022631987-19881Junior A (Canada)
Derek Nellis000001988-19891LSexsmith, ALTAJunior A (Canada)
Darrin Newell2251318421987-19881Other Junior
Chad Nielsen000001988-19891Other Junior
Trent Pankewicz463644801311987-19881R1968-02-25Drayton Valley, ALTAMinor Pro
Shawn Ramstead000001988-19891D1968-09-28100 Mile House, BCMajor Junior
Mike Russell43726331001987-19892RGrande Prairie, ALTAJunior A (Canada)
Shayne Sieker000001988-19891C1972-03-26Wembley, ALTAMajor Junior
Dwayne Skaley38221739561987-19892CRycroft, ALTAOther Junior
John Stokes43121224361987-19881Other Junior
Scott Stucky000001988-19891RSexsmith, ALTAOther Junior
Murray Toews4953631161201987-19881College-University
Tim Toews451540551661987-19892LWembley, ALTAOther Junior
Frank Udovicic36116171251987-19881Major Junior
Wade Wallan503039692951987-19892RGoodfare, ALTAOther Junior
Darren Wells000001988-19891DWanham, ALTAOther Junior
Lee Wiebe47022391987-19892GGrande Prairie, ALTAOther Junior
Scot Wright4441721421987-19892DDawson Creek, BCOther Junior

† denotes that the player's career team information is inaccurate due to incomplete data made available by a league.
‡ denotes that the player only appeared in the playoffs.
Note: The totals presented here may not be exact. If there is no official breakdown when a player was traded mid-season, his statistics are only included with the team he finished with. So you may see players with all zeros for statistics. This means their exact team totals were not available. Their games-played will not be accounted for with any of the teams they played with in this case.