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Minneapolis Millers all-time player list

Player Name GP G A. Pts PIM Seasons Yrs. Pos. Birthdate Birthplace Highest Level
Stewart Adams022830401933-19341L1904-09-16Calgary, ALTAMajor League
??? Barit100001934-19351 Minor Pro
Earl Bartholomew48161733121933-19352C1914-06-21Valley City, NDMinor Pro
Ted Breckheimer61171532441931-19353L1910-06-06Minneapolis, MNMinor Pro
Joe Bretto42347861934-19351D1913-11-29Hibbing, MNMajor League
Frank Ceryance1600001934-19351GEveleth, MNMinor Pro
Danny Cox4821244581934-19351L1903-10-12Little Current, ONTMajor League
Carl "Cully" Dahlstrom25221638301931-19343C1913-07-03Minneapolis, MNMajor League
Jack Flood32261945361931-19343 Minor Pro
Bill Frantzen300001934-19351 Minor Pro
Neil "Hoot" Gibson100001934-19351Weyburn, SASKMinor Pro
??? Helmer100001934-19351 Minor Pro
Bubs Hutchinson1763921931-19321 Minor Pro
Virgil Johnson34181735451931-19343D1909-03-04Minneapolis, MNMajor League
Leo Lafrance46161127261934-19351L'Isle-aux-Allumettes, PQMajor League
George Malsted000001933-19341G Minor Pro
Bill McGlone54145191171931-19353Minneapolis, MNMinor Pro
Harry Melberg36112451931-19321 Minor Pro
Herb "Hub" Nelson3500001931-19343GMinor Pro
Kelly Ness377512391931-19353DMinneapolis, MNMinor Pro
Billy Oddson39231639511931-19353Minneapolis, MNMinor Pro
C. Olson100001931-19321G Minor Pro
Don Olson3315621221931-19353Minor Pro
Laurie Parker000001932-19331 Minor Pro
Phil Perkins29111930101931-193211911-11-28Minneapolis, MNMinor Pro
Cliff "Fido" Purpur141912311081933-19352R1912-09-26Grand Forks, NDMajor League
Leo Schatzlein351321541931-19332 Minor Pro
Evy Scotvold81382159851931-193531909-08-23Camrose, ALTAMinor Pro
Pat Shea461120311341933-19352D1911-10-29Potlatch, IDMajor League
Joe Stark3100001934-19351G1905-05-12Toronto, ONTMajor League
Bill "Red" Stuart000001932-19331F1900-02-01Sackville, NBMajor League
Lou Swenson7585131161931-19353D1906-12-03Minneapolis, MNMinor Pro
Joe Thorsteinson28257211934-19351Major League
Leo "Tuffy" Tilton32347521931-19321 Minor Pro
Andy Toth100001934-19351 Minor Pro
Nick Wasnie33161935321934-19351R1905-01-28Winnipeg, MANMajor League
??? Yerxa100001931-19321 Minor Pro

† denotes that the player's career team information is inaccurate due to incomplete data made available by a league.
‡ denotes that the player only appeared in the playoffs.
Note: The totals presented here may not be exact. If there is no official breakdown when a player was traded mid-season, his statistics are only included with the team he finished with. So you may see players with all zeros for statistics. This means their exact team totals were not available. Their games-played will not be accounted for with any of the teams they played with in this case.