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Peissenberg TSV all-time player list

Player Name GP G A. Pts PIM Seasons Yrs. Pos. Birthdate Birthplace Highest Level
Josef Bachmeier15123101997-19981F1968-01-03 European Lower Leagues
Jerry Bick210101997-19981Prince Albert, SASKEuropean Lower Leagues
Marcus Bock100001997-19981 European Lower Leagues
Scott Brower4103321996-19971G1964-09-26Viking, ALTAMinor Pro
Franz Brueckl4721214441997-19981D1965-09-07 European Lower Leagues
Paul Buczkowski466048108821997-19981D1975-03-20Saskatoon, SASKMinor Pro
Oliver Ciganovic43112031781997-19981F1973-12-24European Lower Leagues
Martin Drexler1100061997-19981 European Lower Leagues
Thomas Gams40171128201997-19981 European Lower Leagues
Paul Haringer4100081997-19981G1962-06-17European Elite
Michal Inderka300001997-19981European Elite
Thomas Jungwirth3922022301997-19981D1966-02-12Peissenberg, GermanyEuropean Elite
Sven-Oliver Klockner1301101997-19981G European Lower Leagues
Marko Koski3241418241997-19981F1970-01-16European Elite
Christian Kratzmeier334913281997-19981D1975-08-21European Lower Leagues
Holger Lieb237310301997-19981F1975-05-10European Lower Leagues
Josef Maier10134121997-19981D1968-08-20European Lower Leagues
Christian Mueller100001997-19981 European Lower Leagues
Tom O'Grady43323769471996-19971F1975-03-21Brampton, ONTMinor Pro
Markus Obholzer100001997-19981 European Lower Leagues
Markus Ott3502281997-19981European Lower Leagues
Filippo Pellicciotta8178201997-19981European Lower Leagues
Florian Rohde459112061997-19981F1977-08-04European Lower Leagues
Michael Schleich200001997-19981 European Lower Leagues
Robert Schmidt291614301101997-19981European Elite
Corey Smith90561081641581997-19992L1975-05-10Edmonton, ALTAMinor Pro
Florian Steidl4371320581997-19981D1968-08-11European Lower Leagues
Josef Steltmayr1901121997-19981 European Lower Leagues
Mikko Suninen29211940341997-19981 European Lower Leagues
Alexander Tobis200001997-19981 European Lower Leagues
Vito Tomasicchio7224161997-19981 European Lower Leagues
Florian Warnecke2501121997-19981 European Lower Leagues
Martin Weckerle400001997-19981 European Lower Leagues
Willy Welsch13404431997-19981 European Lower Leagues
Martin Wild15246161997-19981F1977-05-05 European Lower Leagues
Eduard Zam4781927281997-19981 European Elite

† denotes that the player's career team information is inaccurate due to incomplete data made available by a league.
‡ denotes that the player only appeared in the playoffs.
Note: The totals presented here may not be exact. If there is no official breakdown when a player was traded mid-season, his statistics are only included with the team he finished with. So you may see players with all zeros for statistics. This means their exact team totals were not available. Their games-played will not be accounted for with any of the teams they played with in this case.