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Russian Penguins all-time player list

Player Name GP G A. Pts PIM Seasons Yrs. Pos. Birthdate Birthplace Highest Level
Mikhail Belobragin712321993-19941F1974-02-16Minor Pro
Oleg Belov11325101993-19941R1973-04-20Moscow, RussiaMinor Pro
Sergei Brylin13459181993-19941C1974-01-13Moscow, RussiaMajor League
Yan Golubovsky8000231993-19941D1976-03-09Novosibirsk, RussiaMajor League
Dmitri Gorenko810121993-19941F1975-02-13Minor Pro
Nikolai Khabibulin1200001993-19941G1973-01-13Sverdlovsk, RussiaMajor League
Alexander Kharlamov1222441993-19941R1975-09-23Moscow, RussiaMinor Pro
Albert Leschev1223541993-19941F1971-09-27Minor Pro
Valentin Morozov1135821993-19941F1975-06-01Moscow, RussiaMinor Pro
Roman Mozgunov820241993-19941D1975-05-31Minor Pro
Artur Oktyabrev10022121993-19941D1973-11-26Irkutsk, RussiaMinor Pro
Alexander Osadchy11055241993-19941D1975-07-19Kharkov, UkraineMinor Pro
Sergei Reshetnikov501121993-19941D1972-08-15Minor Pro
Sergei Selyanin9011241993-19941D1966-09-20Novosibirsk, RussiaMinor Pro
Stanislav Shalnov200021993-19941D1973-03-28Minor Pro
Alexander Titov900081993-199411975-04-14Minor Pro
Vasily Turkovsky6022111993-19941D1974-09-03Minor Pro
Andrei Vasilyev131061641993-19941L1972-03-30Voskresensk, RussiaMajor League
Denis Vinokurov13336121993-19941L1972-07-14Minor Pro
Andrei Yakovenko311221993-19941D1965-03-10Khimik, RussiaMinor Pro
Vladislav Yakovenko6066101993-19941D1974-02-15Minor Pro
Yuri Yeresko6022161993-19941D1975-08-30Moscow, RussiaMinor Pro
Alexei Ysaikin6011101993-19941Minor Pro
Boris Zelenko912301993-19941C1975-09-12Moscow, RussiaMinor Pro
Vladimir Zhashkov9213191993-199411973-02-19Minor Pro
Sergei Zvyagin400001993-19941G1971-02-17Moscow, RussiaMinor Pro

† denotes that the player's career team information is inaccurate due to incomplete data made available by a league.
‡ denotes that the player only appeared in the playoffs.
Note: The totals presented here may not be exact. If there is no official breakdown when a player was traded mid-season, his statistics are only included with the team he finished with. So you may see players with all zeros for statistics. This means their exact team totals were not available. Their games-played will not be accounted for with any of the teams they played with in this case.