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Swindon Chill all-time player list

Player Name GP G A. Pts PIM Seasons Yrs. Pos. Birthdate Birthplace Highest Level
Ryan Aldridge3171320761998-19991Swindon, EnglandEuropean Elite
Adam Andrews2001101999-20001D European Elite
Alan Armour55613191931998-200021976-01-23European Lower Leagues
Grant Bailey246410101998-199911977-06-27European Lower Leagues
Mark Beggs1114561998-19991D1967-04-07Scarborough, ONTEuropean Lower Leagues
Ron Bertrand21033141999-20001G1972-01-15Ottawa, ONTMinor Pro
Lee Brathwaite30715221891998-199911978-07-17European Lower Leagues
Bobby Brown7101141999-20001European Lower Leagues
Darcy Cahill413260922201998-20002C1970-08-19Kingston, ONTMinor Pro
Drew Chapman38111930801998-200021973-04-24European Lower Leagues
Mark Copping2701101998-19991 European Lower Leagues
Klas Darrell5336261998-19991 European Lower Leagues
Robin Davison23172845341998-200021974-12-29European Lower Leagues
Patrick Durcan1300001998-19991 European Lower Leagues
Gareth Endicott32231336341998-199911978-08-09European Lower Leagues
Wayne Fiddes28347161998-200021979-04-20European Lower Leagues
Ken Forshee56284169601998-20002 European Lower Leagues
Marc Gariss16101941999-20001 European Lower Leagues
Robert Johnston1001141999-200011978-07-24European Lower Leagues
Magnus Josefsson47212950711998-20002 European Lower Leagues
Lee Lansdowne100001998-19991GEuropean Lower Leagues
Aaron Lewis18211435221998-19991D1976-08-19Sharbot Lake, ONTMinor Pro
Ryan Mair17813212091999-20001F1976-12-15Timmons, ONTMinor Pro
Chris McEwan901101998-19991 European Elite
Chris McEwen1711201999-20001European Lower Leagues
Kevin Merpaw301101998-19991 European Lower Leagues
Peter Nilsson1212321999-20001F1962-06-10European Elite
Myles Peppin501141999-20001 European Lower Leagues
Lamonte Polet2327184561999-20001W1974-03-01Winnipeg, MANEuropean Lower Leagues
Jason Rapcewicz15426921998-19991R1976-10-03Hamilton, ONTMinor Pro
Ian Richards135712101998-19991European Lower Leagues
Jeff Sinott2004461999-20001 European Lower Leagues
Ady Smith2201121999-20001 European Lower Leagues
Michael Smith556814341998-20002 European Lower Leagues
Sean Tarr52933422251998-20002European Lower Leagues
Jason Thomas400001998-19991GMedfield, MAEuropean Lower Leagues
Jamie Thompson30011121998-19991GEuropean Lower Leagues
Tomi Wialla100021998-19991 European Lower Leagues
Richard Wojciak32336121998-20002FSwindon, EnglandEuropean Elite
Ken Wotherspoon400001998-19991GEuropean Lower Leagues

† denotes that the player's career team information is inaccurate due to incomplete data made available by a league.
‡ denotes that the player only appeared in the playoffs.
Note: The totals presented here may not be exact. If there is no official breakdown when a player was traded mid-season, his statistics are only included with the team he finished with. So you may see players with all zeros for statistics. This means their exact team totals were not available. Their games-played will not be accounted for with any of the teams they played with in this case.