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Bolzano HC all-time player list

Player Name GP G A. Pts PIM Seasons Yrs. Pos. Birthdate Birthplace Highest Level
Christian Alderucci33033221998-19991D1973-03-07European Lower Leagues
Alexander Andrijevski35231437161998-19991L1968-08-10Minsk, BelarusMajor League
Alex Avancini400021998-19991D1980-01-06, ItalyEuropean Lower Leagues
Oleg Belov2862026121998-19991R1973-04-20Moscow, RussiaMinor Pro
Georg Comploi331213251341998-199911968-11-09European Lower Leagues
Paul DiFrancesco34101727201998-19991F1975-07-11Nepean, ONTMinor Pro
Enrico Dorigatti311201998-19991F1979-12-14Bolzano, ItalyEuropean Lower Leagues
Alex Egger300001998-19991D1979-12-22Bolzano, ItalyEuropean Elite
Kyle Ferguson400061998-19991R1973-08-12Toronto, ONTMinor Pro
Daniele Giacomin343251061998-19991European Lower Leagues
Michael Guentner1831013281998-19991 European Elite
Peter Hasselblad224913141998-19991D1966-04-20European Elite
Emilio Iovio726801998-19991L1962-03-09European Elite
Lars Ivarsson273131661998-19991D1963-10-21European Elite
Matthias Mair1411271998-19991 European Lower Leagues
Giovanni Marchetti34167241998-19991D1968-02-12European Lower Leagues
Igor Maslennikov26233457261998-19991C1965-04-21European Elite
Martin Mayr1200041998-19991 European Lower Leagues
Mario Nobili1410818351998-19991L1971-02-16Montreal, PQMinor Pro
Martin Pavlu35193857461998-19991F1962-07-08European Lower Leagues
Trevor Prior3500041998-19991G1974-01-19Guelph, ONTMinor Pro
Ruggero Rossi De Mio297815181998-19991F1976-03-07Bolzano, ItalyEuropean Lower Leagues
Lucio Topatigh321522371441998-19991F1965-10-19Gallio, ItalyEuropean Lower Leagues
Mikhail Vasilyev3491625281998-19991R1962-06-08European Elite
Sergei Vostrikov28282451611998-19991L1964-01-16European Elite
Christian Walcher400001998-19991F1980-09-27Bolzano, ItalyEuropean Lower Leagues

† denotes that the player's career team information is inaccurate due to incomplete data made available by a league.
‡ denotes that the player only appeared in the playoffs.
Note: The totals presented here may not be exact. If there is no official breakdown when a player was traded mid-season, his statistics are only included with the team he finished with. So you may see players with all zeros for statistics. This means their exact team totals were not available. Their games-played will not be accounted for with any of the teams they played with in this case.