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2005-06 Laredo Bucks Checklist

This set was printed after the 2005-06 season had ended, but it features the players from the 2005-06 roster. Because of this people may describe it as 2006-07, since the 2005-06 stats are listed on the back.
Laredo Bucks 2005-06 hockey card image
# Description
1 Igor Agarunov
2 Hans Benson
3 Jeff Bes
4 Brent Cullaton
5 Adam Davis
6 Serge Dube
7 Paul Elliott
8 Chris Grenville
9 Todd Griffith
10 Dov Grumet-Morris
11 James Hiebert
12 Ladislav Kouba
13 Philippe Lauze
14 David Lemanowicz
15 Mike Looby
16 Frank Lukes
17 Adam Rivet
18 Steve Simoes
19 Adam Stefishen
20 Nick Warriner
21 Steve Weidlich
22 Terry Ruskowski [Head Coach]
23 Lady Bucks Dance Team
24 LEC Celebration
25 Front Office Staff
26 Laredo at Bossier-Shreveport
27 Bobby Moore [Athletic Trainer]
28 Rusty Aldridge [Equipment Manager]
29 Bucky [Mascot]
30 Joe Dominey [Radio]