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Castlereagh Knights all-time player list

Player Name GP G A. Pts PIM Seasons Yrs. Pos. Birthdate Birthplace Highest Level
Jamie Brannigan29134121996-19971 European Lower Leagues
Kevin Bucas110101996-19971European Lower Leagues
James Clarke110101996-19971 European Lower Leagues
Roberto Comsa610141996-19971 European Lower Leagues
Brian Cox100001996-19971GEuropean Lower Leagues
Oliver Dempsey2143761996-19971European Lower Leagues
Kevin Doherty1661824321996-19971D1971-10-07London, ONTMinor Pro
Jim Graves200001996-19971G European Lower Leagues
Stevie Hamill307101741996-19971 European Lower Leagues
Ian Hudson23661221996-19971European Lower Leagues
Simon Keating19235281996-199711976-03-15European Lower Leagues
Simon Kitchen2151924901996-199711973-01-09European Lower Leagues
Ross Liddell24639201996-19971 European Lower Leagues
Michael Linsley2212381996-199711978-05-28European Lower Leagues
Will Mansour1910616141996-19971CMississauga, ONTEuropean Lower Leagues
Paul Massam101101996-19971 European Lower Leagues
Chris McGimpsey2100001996-19971G European Elite
Garry McKeag319514811996-19971European Lower Leagues
Brian Morrow500001996-19971G European Lower Leagues
Raymond Mount22011141996-19971 European Lower Leagues
Kenny Redmond4651121996-199711968-11-11European Lower Leagues
Peter Russell900001996-19971GSouthport, CTEuropean Lower Leagues
Dean Russell-Samways1000001996-19971GEuropean Lower Leagues
Dave Singleton1900001996-19971GEuropean Lower Leagues
Mark Slater7156451996-199711966-02-07European Lower Leagues
Dean Smith2614253921996-199711974-10-12Minor Pro
Jason Stewart8246141996-199711971-06-24European Lower Leagues
Stewart Struthers101101996-19971 European Lower Leagues
Jamie Thomson12156271996-19971 European Lower Leagues
Michael Thomson901181996-19971 European Lower Leagues
Igor Urchenko36124153201996-19971European Lower Leagues
Vasily Vasilenko3660349461996-19971C1967-06-18European Elite
Mark Wright15044241996-199711976-03-01European Lower Leagues

† denotes that the player's career team information is inaccurate due to incomplete data made available by a league.
‡ denotes that the player only appeared in the playoffs.
Note: The totals presented here may not be exact. If there is no official breakdown when a player was traded mid-season, his statistics are only included with the team he finished with. So you may see players with all zeros for statistics. This means their exact team totals were not available. Their games-played will not be accounted for with any of the teams they played with in this case.