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Dorfen ESC all-time player list

Player Name GP G A. Pts PIM Seasons Yrs. Pos. Birthdate Birthplace Highest Level
Thomas Angermeier89315181081999-20022 European Lower Leagues
Mathias Baumgartner700001999-20001D1964-10-01 European Lower Leagues
Thomas Becker200001999-20001European Lower Leagues
Roman Bozek1515823101999-20001F1963-11-09European Elite
Tobias Buechl20044791999-20001 European Lower Leagues
Filip Burda401511261141999-20001 European Lower Leagues
Stanislav Cajka3491221632001-20021 European Lower Leagues
Klaus Daffinger1500001999-20001G European Lower Leagues
Sergei Demcenko15257141999-20001 European Lower Leagues
Patrice Dlugos14549222001-20021F1979-06-23Landshut, GermanyEuropean Elite
Erik Fast47011311999-20001G European Lower Leagues
Florian Feistl4191120302001-20021 European Lower Leagues
Peter Filip47264672401999-20001European Elite
Stefan Geigenscheder39145522001-20021 European Lower Leagues
Dominikuis Gerbl701516311491999-20022 European Lower Leagues
Sebastien Gerbl86712191801999-20022 European Lower Leagues
Seth Gray000002005-20061F1980-02-03Port Perry, ONTMinor Pro
Florian Hadersberger400001999-20001G European Lower Leagues
Daniel Hammerle44131528362001-20021F1982-05-20Muehldorf, GermanyEuropean Lower Leagues
Tobias Hanoeffner314913442001-20021F1982-11-06 European Lower Leagues
Gerald Hanrieder821517321411999-20022 European Lower Leagues
David Hanus300001999-20001 European Lower Leagues
Dominik Koss285611122001-20021 European Lower Leagues
Fabian Krammer2424682001-20021 European Lower Leagues
Harald Krasnitzky200001999-20001 European Lower Leagues
Vitali Kunstmann428614452001-20021 European Lower Leagues
Christian Labahn200002001-20021 European Lower Leagues
Michael Linsmayer2802241999-20001 European Lower Leagues
Hans-Jorg Mayer741720372151999-20022F1972-11-17Kaufbeuren, GermanyEuropean Elite
Wolfgang Meier9128101141999-20022 European Lower Leagues
Thomas Mittermeier16055221999-20001D1980-06-26Munich, GermanyEuropean Elite
Michael Multhammer31459122001-20021 European Lower Leagues
Michael Neuhauser100001999-20001 European Lower Leagues
Eduard Seisenberger17121224221999-20001F1976-04-03European Lower Leagues
Jan Smolko46152641421999-20001European Elite
Daniel Stadler27145142001-20021 European Elite
Dusan Stefanovic35141731141999-20001 European Lower Leagues
Helmut Strunz100002001-20021 European Lower Leagues
Markus Voigtmann78243155861999-20022 European Lower Leagues
Florian Weitl1110181999-20001 European Lower Leagues
Markus Wohlgemuth40022402001-20021 European Lower Leagues
Stefan Zollner7262026971999-20022 European Lower Leagues

† denotes that the player's career team information is inaccurate due to incomplete data made available by a league.
‡ denotes that the player only appeared in the playoffs.
Note: The totals presented here may not be exact. If there is no official breakdown when a player was traded mid-season, his statistics are only included with the team he finished with. So you may see players with all zeros for statistics. This means their exact team totals were not available. Their games-played will not be accounted for with any of the teams they played with in this case.