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Hamm Polar Bears all-time player list

Player Name GP G A. Pts PIM Seasons Yrs. Pos. Birthdate Birthplace Highest Level
Stefan Backer234812121997-19981F1968-04-25European Lower Leagues
Frank Blanke100001997-19981G1964-07-09European Elite
Eric Daniels22336101997-199811975-04-24European Lower Leagues
Jens Esche228311141997-19981F1973-02-21European Lower Leagues
Lutz Feser5222481997-19981European Lower Leagues
Greg Foulidis721381997-19981C1974-01-18Toronto, ONTMinor Pro
Sven Freeth900001997-19981G European Lower Leagues
Mike Galati19415541997-19981C1977-07-29Toronto, ONTEuropean Lower Leagues
Sven Hackel1620221997-19981European Lower Leagues
Claus Hoffmann49527541997-19981European Lower Leagues
Alexander Huppert600001997-19981 European Lower Leagues
Tero Kaasinen40272956201997-19981F1968-01-08European Elite
Jens Kollmeier100001997-19981 European Lower Leagues
Markus Kolloch5111011931997-19981D1967-05-06European Lower Leagues
Ole Kopitz49459661997-19981D1977-03-27 European Lower Leagues
Tim Kundrun700001997-19981 European Lower Leagues
Tomasz Leinich611201997-19981 European Lower Leagues
Corey MacIntyre72810281997-19981L1970-08-10Shawville, PQMinor Pro
Stephen Maltby43463682981997-19981R1971-01-10Miramichi, NBMinor Pro
Pether Nork1336901997-19981 European Lower Leagues
Jari Parviainen47433371401997-19981D1967-08-20Lahti, FinlandEuropean Elite
Carsten Plate532836641181997-19981D1972-09-05European Lower Leagues
Frank Pribill2200001997-19981G1967-08-22European Elite
Brad Scott42346195931997-19981L1965-12-15Saskatoon, SASKEuropean Elite
Tim Specht600001997-19981European Lower Leagues
Andy Stewart5132023881997-19981D1969-01-28Montreal, PQMinor Pro
Marco Strobel1601161997-19981European Lower Leagues
Christoph Ulrich600001997-19981European Lower Leagues
Carsten Uttner3301161997-19981G European Lower Leagues
Alexander Vertgewall48178971997-19981European Lower Leagues
Dirk Wefringhaus100001997-19981DEuropean Lower Leagues

† denotes that the player's career team information is inaccurate due to incomplete data made available by a league.
‡ denotes that the player only appeared in the playoffs.
Note: The totals presented here may not be exact. If there is no official breakdown when a player was traded mid-season, his statistics are only included with the team he finished with. So you may see players with all zeros for statistics. This means their exact team totals were not available. Their games-played will not be accounted for with any of the teams they played with in this case.