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Springfield Flyers all-time player list

Player Name GP G A. Pts PIM Seasons Yrs. Pos. Birthdate Birthplace Highest Level
Don Anschultz320201949-19562 Semi-Professional
George Balestri75121781949-195121921-02-01West Springfield, MAMinor Pro
Rudy Basilone000001955-19561 Semi-Professional
Joe Bucholtz99615441949-19501Minor Pro
Eno Campanini146612201949-19562 Semi-Professional
Hank Champagney1541014261949-19501Semi-Professional
Alan Collins000001955-19561 Semi-Professional
Tony Costa000001950-19511 Semi-Professional
Don Dextradeur171742161949-19562 Semi-Professional
Bob Findlater202241949-19501Semi-Professional
Leo Fiorini000001955-19561 Semi-Professional
Al "Junie" Fontana000001950-19511DAgawam, MAMinor Pro
Richie Frasco000001955-19561 European Lower Leagues
Donald Geary000001950-195111926-07-10Hamden, CTSemi-Professional
Dick Goiden000001950-19511 Semi-Professional
Dick Hawkes1410102051949-19562Semi-Professional
Hank Kasberian000001955-19561G Minor Pro
Dick Lonquiel703301949-19501 Semi-Professional
Jake Mahon000001950-19511 Semi-Professional
Buck Marchese000001950-19511 Semi-Professional
Duke Mazon000001950-19511G Semi-Professional
John "Red" McDonough000001950-19562Minor Pro
Jack McGall000001950-19511 Semi-Professional
Jack McGhee177815131949-195621924-02-29Springfield, MASemi-Professional
Bebe Mele620251949-19501 Semi-Professional
Harold "Hal" Passerini1771421241949-19562European Lower Leagues
Louis Pugliano157613211949-19563Minor Pro
Doug Ray000001955-19561G Semi-Professional
Hubie Roberts1427981949-19563 Semi-Professional
Boots Rosetti000001950-19511 Semi-Professional
Ray Rossi17314281949-19563 Semi-Professional
Bob Senk172373091949-19512Semi-Professional
Art Shannon000001950-19511Semi-Professional
Ted Shore1433601949-19512 Semi-Professional
Gene Trase621341949-19512 Semi-Professional
Bill "Sonny" Turner84121601949-19501DVernon, BCMinor Pro
Lou "Wimpy" Verani1751621171949-19501 Semi-Professional
Joe Voets000001955-19561Semi-Professional

† denotes that the player's career team information is inaccurate due to incomplete data made available by a league.
‡ denotes that the player only appeared in the playoffs.
Note: The totals presented here may not be exact. If there is no official breakdown when a player was traded mid-season, his statistics are only included with the team he finished with. So you may see players with all zeros for statistics. This means their exact team totals were not available. Their games-played will not be accounted for with any of the teams they played with in this case.