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Peterborough Lumber Petes all-time player list

Player Name GP G A. Pts PIM Seasons Yrs. Pos. Birthdate Birthplace Highest Level
Ed Carpenter1400001983-19841G1964-12-28Junior B (Canada)
Bill Dohaney6954731271071982-19842F1965-04-19Peterborough, ONTMinor Pro
Terry Downer39132033921983-198411964-05-23Junior B (Canada)
John Druce40151833691983-19841R1966-02-23Peterborough, ONTMajor League
Dallas Eakins503341983-19841D1967-02-27Dade City, FLMajor League
Kevin Evans391734512101983-19841L1965-07-10Peterborough, ONTMajor League
Norm Grant2400001983-19841G1964-07-19Junior B (Canada)
Gregory Hamilton37263359471983-19841F1965-07-26Peterborough, ONTCollege-University
Ron Hoar3871219181983-198411964-02-09Junior B (Canada)
Jon Holden500001983-19841G1963-02-27Peterborough, ONTMajor Junior
Rob Kent401620361021983-198411966-03-03Junior B (Canada)
John MacBeth32178401983-198411967-05-16Junior B (Canada)
Steve McDonald6033191983-19841R1965-06-20Bramalea, ONTMajor Junior
Dan McDougall42213960361983-198411964-07-22Junior B (Canada)
Mike McDougall42162844421983-19841F1966-04-22Peterborough, ONTCollege-University
Jim Myette823521983-198411965-03-20Junior B (Canada)
Bruce Oglivie35212546691982-19831Major Junior
Dan Raycroft4061218261983-198411964-07-29Junior B (Canada)
Rick Runnals37720271381983-198411966-04-11Junior B (Canada)
John Sawyer37921301361983-19841D1965-01-04Peterborough, ONTMajor Junior
Glen Seabrooke532541983-19841C1967-09-11Peterborough, ONTMajor League
Dean Thompson211910311983-19841R1963-04-12Golden, BCMajor Junior
Brian Urie8112101983-19841D1963-08-19Oshawa, ONTJunior B (Canada)
Brian Wall42088421983-198411967-10-02Junior B (Canada)
Charlie Zahrebelny421321983-198411966-02-08Junior B (Canada)

† denotes that the player's career team information is inaccurate due to incomplete data made available by a league.
‡ denotes that the player only appeared in the playoffs.
Note: The totals presented here may not be exact. If there is no official breakdown when a player was traded mid-season, his statistics are only included with the team he finished with. So you may see players with all zeros for statistics. This means their exact team totals were not available. Their games-played will not be accounted for with any of the teams they played with in this case.